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events [2025/01/06 21:15] – created - external edit [2025/01/08 15:05] (current) marian
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 +====== Calendar ======
 +  * :!:[[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:yearbox| Yearbox Plugin]]
 +  * m( [[events:presentations|Early Skills Program Presentations Guide]]
 +====== Doodle ======
 +  title="What do you want to learn?"
 +  auth="none|ip|user"
 +  adminUsers="user1|user2"
 +  adminGroups="group1|group2"
 +  voteType="single|multi"
 +  fieldwidth="auto|123px"
 +  closed="true|false" 
 +  showMode="all|own"
 +  showSum="true|false"
 +  userlist="vertical|horizontal"
 +  printname="both|fullname|username"
 +   * Python 
 +   * **PHP ** \\
 +{{schedule>agenda prop >!}}